Eagle Wings Pageantry

Eagle Wings Pageantry Presents
"I want to see you be
Pageant and Fundraiser
09/07/24 9:00am Farmington, NY

PAGEANT DETAILS: (This is a one-day fun event to raise money for the EWP Scholarship program)
No titles, No Commitments, One-Day of fun pageantry for all ages
Cobblestone Arts Center
1622 State Route 332 Farmington, NY 14425
9:00am - 2:00pm
Maximum of 40 contestants allowed.
Each Age Division will crown a QUEEN or KING winning a beautiful CROWN, TROPHY and CUSTOM SASH.
5 Will pull for higher titles by earning their WINGS to the finish line, winning a beautiful CROWN, CASH PRIZE, CUSTOM SASH and TROPHY.
1 ULTIMATE GRAND SUPREME (Contestant with highest 3 event combined score of the day) $$$ PRIZE, CROWN, CUSTOM SASH, TROPHY.
2 GRAND SUPREMES- One from age 0-12 and one from 13+ highest combined score in formal wear and runway. $$ PRIZE, CROWN, CUSTOM SASH, TROPHY.
2 MINI SUPREMES - One from age 0-12 and one from 13+ highest combined score in formal wear and photogenic. $ PRIZE, CROWN, CUSTOM SASH, TROPHY.
All contestants will receive a gift bag and tiara for trying their best. Only Queens, Kings and Supremes will earn sashes and crowns.
Phases of Competition
Formal Wear- This is your time to SHOW YOUR MAGIC ON STAGE, we will provide music. Formal dresses should be full length for ages 10+. No Glitz dresses please. Stoning on formal dresses is allowed. (Judged on pride, poise, and presentation)
Runway Fashion- Wear anything you are comfortable modeling in. (No jeans or costumes) Think FASHION! (Our music, routines are not allowed, modeling only, judged on appearance and overall personality)
Photogenic- Submit one headshot or print model photograph to be judged on overall appearance. (No glitz photos please) Photos must be submitted online!
AGE DIVISIONS (This is a change from years past)
0-3 Years Old
4-6 Years Old
7-9 Years Old
10-12 Years Old
13+ Age Division
18+ Age Division
Boys Division
OPTIONALS ($15.00 each
Theme Wear (No bathing suits please)
Outfit of Choice (No bathing suits please)
*One winner per age division + one OVERALL per category. Winners receive FRAMED AWARD. OVERALL WINNER RECEIVES CROWN, FRAMED AWARD AND PRIZE.
Best Smile, Best Eyes, Best Personality, Best Dressed, & Best Hair.
Each Division will award the contestant in these categories with a award ribbon.
Tickets- $10.00 each (Contestants get one FREE ticket with entry for a person of their choosing)